Mr. Perrucci claims he did the town a favor by purchasing the 32 acres of land between Howard Street and the river.  He did the town of buying land that was industrial and nobody had a use for, an projects himself as the Savior of Phillipsburg.

Well, as per an article titled "Museum backers remove sights from Phillipsburg ** Transportation group asks county for land in Franklin Township" in the Morning Call, dated July 17, 2006, one could certainly come away with the impression that "Develper and Phillipsburg Lawyer Michael Perrucci", with the cooperation or the then Phillipsburg Town Council, pulled the rug out from under the Friends of the New Jersey Transportation Heritage Center.

Just who were the Friends of the New Jersey Transportation Heritage Center?  According to the article "the Friends of the New Jersey Transportation Heritage Center was" a "nonprofit volunteer group dedicated to creating a museum.".

In 2005, "the New Jersey State Department of Transportation was negotiating with the town to buy the land, with $1.1 million in county and state funds earmarked for the purchase,"