07252024 LandUseBoardMeetingClick on the image to the right to see the video for the July 25, 2024 Land Use Board Meeting:

In this meeting, multiple residents speak before the Phillipsburg Land Use Board and discuss the hame a warehouse will cause and how Industrial zoning with a waehouse will not complement the existing residential neighborhoods in the area.

A couple of folks speak for a warehouse.

Timecodes are listed in the descripton section beneith the video.  If you bring up the video and click on the timecode, it will take yoou to hat section of the video.
0:00 Intro
1:30 Approval of minutes
2:15 186 Hagerty Avenue Completeness
7:10 Land Use Board approves having Timothy O'Brien prepare a Consistency Report to determine if rezoning the Peron Property from Riverside Residential to Industrial is consistent with the Master Plan
9:23 Public Comment Section of the meeting
10:20 David Morrisette discusses how changing the zoning of the Peron Howard Street property from Riverside Residential to Industrial is NOT consistent with the Master Plan
17:22 Michal Perrucci speaks... Note: I, David Morrisette, never had a conversation with Michael Perrucci about kayaking or canoeing down the Delaware River. It is true I mentioned use of the river and canoeing down the Delaware River in Public Comments at a Council meeting. This discussion NEVER happened. My only discussion with Mr. Perrucci was at a Council meeting where we agreed that Council President Harry Wyant should have recused and not abstained, and I declined to go out with him for a cup of coffee. I told him as a lawyer I would expect him to know that since i am involved in litigation with the town that involves his property it is not wise for me to have a cup of coffee with him. He also provided some brief details about past interactions with former Council President Wyant and said those interactions are why former Council President Wyant opposes his warehouse. His saying I had a conversation regarding kayaking is an untruth.
21:50 Sandra Morrisette - Warehouse do not belong in an overburdened community and discusses the many problems that will be cause by trucks, fumes, and discusses other potential uses of the land.
26:20 Pat Pestal discusses how the route for trucks to reach the highway is not a good route, 5 stop lights, go past police station, go past firehouse, no turnouts, millions of square feet of warehouse and more coming at Phillipsburg mall, lots of warehouse jobs already available
28:00 Richard Stevens discusses trucks will be going past his house, loud volume of noise from trucks will be increased if new warehouse is built, 1 of 3 New Jersey residents live within 3 miles of a warehouse
32:04 Sara Hare discusses emphasizes that the Land Use Board to be ethical and look at this will affect residents of Phillipsburg and Pohatcong, diesel air pollution, think about the cost to the community and environmental impact
35:00 Gayle Rodgers discusses truck congestion and another warehouse in downtown Phillipsburg will not help the situation
37:08 Robyn Coe-Donaldson discusses how the Peron Howard Street warehouse truck traffic is going to be a deterrent. The warehouse goes against the plans of the town to make the town a riverfront destination. You have to go down to Camden or Trenton to find industrial on the river, and don't put industrial on the river.
40:10 Joan Pierce asks why folks are not complaining about Atlantic States, Avatar, trucks running 24 by 7. Claims folks that against a warehouse do not live near where the warehouse will be built. In regards to Atlantic States, now know as McWayne Ductile, we do not believe the McWayne Ductile plant is appropriate in a residential neighborhood, however the McWayne Ductile plan is know as a "pre-existing non-conforming condition". (My response)Pre-existing non-confirming conditions are grandfathered in and there is nothing we can do about such situations. Hence, you do not hear us complain about McWayne Ductile.
41:50 Randy Piazza - Phillipsburg has a railbed... We are not Pohatcong, Greenwich... No pollusiton will come out of the warehouse and trucks, No open space because Phillipsburg won't be able to take care of it and it will have crime, drugs and homelessness
44:51 Audra Frank - Michael Perrucci was going to have her do a mural on the building to appease the folks that like to kayak. Speak to Mr. Perrucci and ask what we would like to have on the river. (my response)  We would like to the property developed with something that complements the existing residential community of the Flats, and exists under the zoning of Riverside Residential, Riverside Commercial or Riverside Heritage. I agree 100 percent that Michael Perrucci's company(s) have built some amazing things, and if it is something that compliments the existing residential area we would be thrilled to see that come to pass.
46:00 Rebecca Place - discusses how the warehouse does not fit the master plan. Harm will be trucks, truck fumes, concrete will heat up the industrial site, sandwich Flats between toxic fumes from McWayne Ductile and a warehouse, prevailing winds will blow toxic truck fumes from the warehouse into the flats. Additionally, trucks ignore the currently posted signs on Center Street and there is no reason to believe that the Peron Howard Street trucks will respect the traffic restrictions. Also, trucks will make the argument that the Peron Howard Street warehouse is in Phillipsburg and therefore is a local delivery.
51:20 Finish