Mr. Perrucci claims he did the town a favor by purchasing the 32 acres of land between Howard Street and the river. He did the town of buying land that was industrial and nobody had a use for, an projects himself as the Savior of Phillipsburg.
Well, as per an article titled "Museum backers remove sights from Phillipsburg ** Transportation group asks county for land in Franklin Township" in the Morning Call, dated July 17, 2006, one could certainly come away with the impression that "Develper and Phillipsburg Lawyer Michael Perrucci", with the cooperation or the then Phillipsburg Town Council, pulled the rug out from under the Friends of the New Jersey Transportation Heritage Center.
Just who were the Friends of the New Jersey Transportation Heritage Center? According to the article "the Friends of the New Jersey Transportation Heritage Center was" a "nonprofit volunteer group dedicated to creating a museum.".
In 2005, "the New Jersey State Department of Transportation was negotiating with the town to buy the land, with $1.1 million in county and state funds earmarked for the purchase,"
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Help to the potential warehouse from being built on the Peron Howard Street Property in downtown Phillipsburg. We will be circulating the petition throughout the town. If you want to sign the petition and have not yet signed it, please send us an email at
The Consequences of a Warehouse on the Peron Howard Street Property:
- Heavy tractor trailer truck traffic (Potentially 200 trucks per day, 350 cars per day, as pointed out by Councilman Kennedy a truck trip is worth five car trips, so this means at least the equivalent of 985 vehicle trips per day to the warehouse)
- Toxic diesel fumes from the warehouse (Diesel fumes are known to cause lung problems and cause cancer.
- Research has shown that those who live in polluted areas suffer from lower IQs.
- Noise from tractor trailers driving through the neighborhoods(s) (Problems related to consistent ruck noise include stress related illnes, high blood pressure, speech interference, hearing loss, sleep disruption, and lost productivity )
- Warehouses hurt property values due to truck noise, toxic diesel fumes and truck traffic. If a warehouse is built on the Peron Howard Street Property, expect home values to plunge in the Flats and nearby areas. Nobody wants to live next to a warehouse.
- If it is not stopped, the warehouse will be built where there was supposed to be residential area called Riverview at Delaware Station. The warehouse will be next to the Delaware River, which is a protected natural resource. If a warehouse is built on the Peron Howard Street property there is extreme danger of polluted runoff entering the Delaware River.
- If a warehose is built on the Peron Howard Street Property, this will sandwich the Residential area of the Flats between two highly toxic industries. Toxic diesel fumes from the Peron Howard Street warehouse would be on the south of the Flats, and toxic emissions (lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, chromium) from McWayne Ductile Plant are on the north. The Flats is already an overburdened community with toxic emissions, and the Peron Howard Street Warehouse would compound the problem for the community.
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Welcome to the Phillipsurg No Warehouse website.
This website is run by Phillipsburg Environmental Watch (PEWNJ). Phillipsburg Environmental Watch is a grassroots organization under the umbrella of the New Jersey Highlands Coalition.
The mission of PEWNJ is to support the environment and the community of Phillipsburg NJ. Our goal is to provide information and guidance when we become aware of anything that may be detrimental to the environment or overall quality of life in the community.
Why a website against a warehouse on the Peron Howard Street Property In Downtown Phillipsburg near the Delaware River?
The Phillipsburg No Warehouse website was built in response to the proposed construction of a warehouse on the Peron Howard Street property in downtown Phillipsburg along the Delaware River. The initial discussion of the warehouse on the Peron Howard Street Property began in January 2021.
In the spring of 2021, a number of residents joined together for the purpose of stopping the construction of the warehouse on the Peron Howard Street property. In the ealry phases of the resistance against the warehouse, the residents were supported by the Phillipsburg Riverview Organization, the New Jersey Highlands Coalition, the Delaware Riverkeeper Network and many residents throughout Phillipsburg and Pohatcong. Since that time, we have been doing what we can to provide information about the warehouse issue and doing what we can to prevent a warehouse on the Peron Howard Street Property.