(Update September 8, 2024): On Wednesday, September 11, 2024, at 6 PM, the Phillpsburg Town Council will be voting on a "warehouse ordinance", which if approved, will allow for a warehouse to be built on the Peron Howard Street property in downdown Phillipsburg.

The Council meeting will be held at the Phillipsburg Senior Center, 310 Firth Street, Phillipsburg.

If you care about the future of Phillipsburg, please come to the 6:00 p.m., Septmber 11, 2024 Phillipsburg Town Council Meeting meeting at the Phillipsburg Senior Center, located at 310 Firth Street.

Call To Action:

  • Attend the Phillipsburg Town Council Meeting on September 11, 2024
  • Not critical, but if you have an orange tee-shrt please wear it.  By just wearing an orange t-shirt and sitting at the meeting, you will be making a statement against the wareouse.
  • If you wish, speak at the meeting and let the Council know you do not want a warehouse on the Peron Howard Street Property.  Below, under "The potential Consequences of a Warehouse on the Peron Howard Street Property" section are issues you can speak to about to Town Council.
  • There will be a resident at the meeting with a clipboard taking contact informatin of those who are against the warehouse and are willing to provide their contact information.  In the event that Council passes Ordinance 2024-14, we will contact residents informing them of further action.

The Potential Consequences of a Warehouse on the Peron Howard Street Property:

  • Heavy tractor trailer truck traffic (Potentially 200 trucks per day, 350 cars per day, as pointed out by Councilman Kennedy a truck trip is worth five car trips, so this means at least the equivalent of 985 vehicle trips per day to the warehouse)
  • Toxic diesel fumes from the warehouse (Diesel fumes are known to cause lung problems and cause cancer.  Research has shown that those who live in polluted areas suffer from lower IQs. )
  • Truck noise from tractor trailers driving through the neighborhoods(s) (Problems related to consistent ruck noise include stress related illnes, high blood pressure, speech interference, hearing loss, sleep disruption, and lost productivity )
  • Warehouses hurt property values due to truck noise, toxic diesel fumes and truck traffic.  If a warehouse is built on the Peron Howard Street Property, expect home values to plunge in the Flats and nearby areas.  Nobody wants to live next to a warehouse.

Your voice and/or presence counts.  Please attend the Phillipsburg Town Council meeting to show you do not want a warehouse on the Peron Howard Street Property!

Information for Review Below:

Consistency Plan that pertains to Ordinance 2024-14 is not yet available

2013 Master Plan Revision Report

06/26/2024 - Short Town Council Agenda06/26/2024 - District 5 Amendment Changing Riverside Residential to Industrial - Ordinance 2024 with modified Rivrside Redevelopment Plan

09/07/2022 - NJ State Planning Commission, Warehouse Siting Guidance, Distribution Warehousing and Goods Movement Guidelins

2013MasterPlanUpdateClick on the image to the right to download the 2013 Msster Plan Revision Report.

In the 2013 Master Plan Revision Report the town wanted to move away from industrial in the exact area that Ordinance 2024-14 is referring to.  The 2013 Master Plan discusses moving the small light industrial strip of property out of the area and relocating it to make the Flats a better community.  The town and Peron Construction want to do the exact opposite from the intent of the 2013 Master Plan Revision Report with Ordinance 2024-14.