Phillipsburg Environmental Watch Wins Case Against November 2022 Warehouse Ordinance
Phillipsburg Environmental Watch Wins Case Against November 2022 Warehouse Ordinance
In a victory for the residents of Phillipsburg and the grassroots organization Phillipsburg Environmental Watch (PEWNJ), they won their court case vacateing the November 2022. "Warehouse Ordinance", Ordinance 2022-30. Ordinance 2022-30 changed the zoning of the last 32 acres of undeveloped land in Phillipsburg along the Delaware River from Riverside Residential zoning to Industrial zoning, paving the way for a potentential warehouse to be built.
PEWNJ thanks Attorney Peter Dickson from the Law Offices of Peter Dickson. Attorney Dickson has provided strong guidance and superb legal advice during the current and previous court cases. PEWNJ attributes the successful outcome to his expert legal assistance.
We thank town residents who have been instrumental in PEWNJ’s fight against the warehouse in downtown Phillipsburg. Residents have signed letters of protest, displayed "No Warehouse Signs" and attended Council and Land Use Board meetings while wearing orange shirts and T-shirts.PEWNJ’s umbrella organization, the New Jersey Highlands Coalition, has sustained PEWNJ’s efforts with their financial support,
strategic guidance and moral support. Additionally, the Phillipsburg Riverview Organization also provided financial and strategic support to PEWNJ’s legal efforts, while Citizens For Sustainable Development and the Delaware Riverkeeper Network gave advice and support.
PEWNJ will continue pursuing their second lawsuit while encouraging Phillipsburg residents to continue letting Town Council know they do not want a warehouse in downtown Phillpsburg along the Delaware River in the Phillipsburg Flats. Residents can email PEWNJ at
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