Click on the image to the right to see the article in Lehigh Valley Live:

A shoutout for Robin Coe-Donaldson and the Phillipsburg Downtown Associatin for taking a stand against the warehouse in downtown Phillipsburg, miles away from a major highway, and next to the Delaware River.

A few things to note:

  • If a donation is made to the New Jersey Highlands Coalition, you can write "PEW" in the memo field of the check.  If PEW is written in the memo field of the check, the money will be allocated to the Phillipsburg Environmental Watch group.  All monies in the PEW account are dedicated towards paying legal expenses used towards the fight to stop a warehouse from being built on the Peron Howard Street property.
  • As of the time of this post, we have no idea of which site plan Peron Construction intends to build.  The Town Council was specifically asked which Concept Plan they were using when they passed the Ordinance 2024-14 for the first reading, and Council could not provide any specifics as to which Concept Plan they were using as the foudation for Ordinance 2024-14.  Council could not say how many trucks were going to be using the warehouse.  Council was just voting to rezone the property from Rivrside Residential to Industrial.  Regardless of what the warehouse ordinance says, once it is passed any size warehouse that receives land use board site plan approval can be built, and there is no requirement for rail that can be enforsed through the ordinance.