07262024 TapIntoArticleOn07252024LUBMeetingClick on image to the right to see the TapInto article convering the Phillipsburg Land Use Board meeting.  TapInto does not put their articles behind a paywall and does significant coverage of local Phillipsburg news.

TapInto Phillipsburg reports on the Land Use Board meeitng.  The Land Use Board voted to have the town engineer, Tim O'Brien, prepare a Consistency Report for the August 22, 2024 Land Use Board meeting. On August 22, 2024, the Land Use Board will make a determination as to whether changing the Peron Howard Street property to Industrial, and opening the way for a warehouse to be built on that property, is consisten with the town's Master Plan.  The will also make a determination as to whether the town should modify the Riverfront Redevelopment Plan to allow Industrial in District 5 (aka the Peron Howard Street Property).

Many people spoke about the harm a warehouse will cause to the nearby residential communities and how the rezoning from Riverside Residential to Industrial does not fit the Master Plan.  The folks against the warehouse asked the Land Use Board members to vote that the rezoning change does not fit the Master Plan.

You can read more about why we do not believe the rezoning of the Peron Howard Street property goes against the Master Plan in our web article "Rezoning Peron Howard Street Property To Industrial Violates Town Master Plan".